Source code for aiohttp_jinja2

import asyncio
import functools
import sys
import warnings
from typing import (

import jinja2
from aiohttp import web
from import AbstractView

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Protocol
    from typing_extensions import Protocol

from .helpers import GLOBAL_HELPERS
from .typedefs import Filters

__version__ = "1.5"

__all__ = ("setup", "get_env", "render_template", "render_string", "template")

APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS_KEY = "aiohttp_jinja2_context_processors"
APP_KEY = "aiohttp_jinja2_environment"
REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY = "aiohttp_jinja2_context"

_TemplateReturnType = Awaitable[Union[web.StreamResponse, Mapping[str, Any]]]
_SimpleTemplateHandler = Callable[[web.Request], _TemplateReturnType]
_ContextProcessor = Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[Dict[str, Any]]]

_T = TypeVar("_T")
_AbstractView = TypeVar("_AbstractView", bound=AbstractView)

class _TemplateWrapper(Protocol):
    def __call__(
        self, func: _SimpleTemplateHandler
    ) -> Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]]:

    def __call__(
        self, func: Callable[[_AbstractView], _TemplateReturnType]
    ) -> Callable[[_AbstractView], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]]:

    def __call__(
        self, func: Callable[[_T, web.Request], _TemplateReturnType]
    ) -> Callable[[_T, web.Request], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]]:

[docs]def setup( app: web.Application, *args: Any, app_key: str = APP_KEY, context_processors: Sequence[_ContextProcessor] = (), filters: Optional[Filters] = None, default_helpers: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> jinja2.Environment: kwargs.setdefault("autoescape", True) env = jinja2.Environment(*args, **kwargs) if default_helpers: env.globals.update(GLOBAL_HELPERS) if filters is not None: env.filters.update(filters) app[app_key] = env if context_processors: app[APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS_KEY] = context_processors app.middlewares.append(context_processors_middleware) env.globals["app"] = app return env
[docs]def get_env(app: web.Application, *, app_key: str = APP_KEY) -> jinja2.Environment: return cast(jinja2.Environment, app.get(app_key))
def _render_string( template_name: str, request: web.Request, context: Mapping[str, Any], app_key: str, ) -> Tuple[jinja2.Template, Mapping[str, Any]]: env = request.config_dict.get(app_key) if env is None: text = ( "Template engine is not initialized, " "call aiohttp_jinja2.setup(..., app_key={}) first" "".format(app_key) ) # in order to see meaningful exception message both: on console # output and rendered page we add same message to *reason* and # *text* arguments. raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason=text, text=text) try: template = env.get_template(template_name) except jinja2.TemplateNotFound as e: text = f"Template '{template_name}' not found" raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason=text, text=text) from e if not isinstance(context, Mapping): text = f"context should be mapping, not {type(context)}" # type: ignore[unreachable] # same reason as above raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason=text, text=text) if request.get(REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY): context = dict(request[REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY], **context) return template, context
[docs]def render_string( template_name: str, request: web.Request, context: Mapping[str, Any], *, app_key: str = APP_KEY, ) -> str: template, context = _render_string(template_name, request, context, app_key) return template.render(context)
[docs]async def render_string_async( template_name: str, request: web.Request, context: Mapping[str, Any], *, app_key: str = APP_KEY, ) -> str: template, context = _render_string(template_name, request, context, app_key) return await template.render_async(context)
def _render_template( context: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], encoding: str, status: int, ) -> Tuple[web.Response, Mapping[str, Any]]: response = web.Response(status=status) if context is None: context = {} response.content_type = "text/html" response.charset = encoding return response, context
[docs]def render_template( template_name: str, request: web.Request, context: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], *, app_key: str = APP_KEY, encoding: str = "utf-8", status: int = 200, ) -> web.Response: response, context = _render_template(context, encoding, status) response.text = render_string(template_name, request, context, app_key=app_key) return response
[docs]async def render_template_async( template_name: str, request: web.Request, context: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], *, app_key: str = APP_KEY, encoding: str = "utf-8", status: int = 200, ) -> web.Response: response, context = _render_template(context, encoding, status) response.text = await render_string_async( template_name, request, context, app_key=app_key ) return response
[docs]def template( template_name: str, *, app_key: str = APP_KEY, encoding: str = "utf-8", status: int = 200, ) -> _TemplateWrapper: @overload def wrapper( func: _SimpleTemplateHandler, ) -> Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]]: ... @overload def wrapper( func: Callable[[_AbstractView], _TemplateReturnType] ) -> Callable[[_AbstractView], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]]: ... @overload def wrapper( func: Callable[[_T, web.Request], _TemplateReturnType] ) -> Callable[[_T, web.Request], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]]: ... def wrapper( func: Callable[..., _TemplateReturnType] ) -> Callable[..., Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]]: @functools.wraps(func) async def wrapped(*args: Any) -> web.StreamResponse: # type: ignore[misc] if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): coro = func else: warnings.warn( "Bare functions are deprecated, use async ones", DeprecationWarning, ) coro = asyncio.coroutine(func) # type: ignore[assignment] context = await coro(*args) if isinstance(context, web.StreamResponse): return context # Supports class based views see web.View if isinstance(args[0], AbstractView): request = args[0].request else: request = args[-1] env = request.config_dict.get(app_key) if env and env.is_async: response = await render_template_async( template_name, request, context, app_key=app_key, encoding=encoding ) else: response = render_template( template_name, request, context, app_key=app_key, encoding=encoding ) response.set_status(status) return response return wrapped return wrapper
@web.middleware async def context_processors_middleware( request: web.Request, handler: Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]], ) -> web.StreamResponse: if REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY not in request: request[REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY] = {} for processor in request.config_dict[APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS_KEY]: request[REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY].update(await processor(request)) return await handler(request) async def request_processor(request: web.Request) -> Dict[str, web.Request]: return {"request": request}